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  • info@sahrdayasims.ac.in

Tourism & Hospitality Management

This course is intended to prepare intellectually developed experts and occupational work force that will answer the long term needs of the world tourism sector and its relevant fields. The course not only imparts knowledge and skills but also offers the students a wide spectrum of job opportunities upon their graduation. This course introduces the development and growth of the tourism and hotel industry. The course enables the students:

Functions of tourism and hospitality industry

To understand the management functions of tourism and hospitality industry including human resource management, financial management, marketing and technology applications.

Skill development and education

To provide training, skill development and education needed to prepare individuals for effective job performance in the hospitality, tourism and entertainment industries.

Socio-economic impact

To enable the students to conduct the socio-economic impact of tourism industry in the life of the people.

Nation building

To suggest measures to the local, regional, state and national authorities to improve tourism facilities in the State.

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