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Club Activities

Club Activities

Quiz Club : The quiz club organizes quiz programmes every Saturday. They also conduct quizzes every day as part of morning team meeting. The quiz team participates in the management fests and other competitions conducted by other colleges and universities. The team, representing SIMS’ quiz club, has won several prizes including first in District Level Business Quiz competition conducted by the Kerala Agricultural University.

Research Club : The research club takes up learning sessions purely based on research methodology. They team up for the research activities such as data collection, analysis, and report generation.

Finance Club : The Finance club regularly conducts sessions on portfolio analysis, investment analysis, online trading simulations, workshops, etc. for the students. Each team gives a presentation in front of the Jury on Saturdays. The club also organizes workshops and guest talks by the professionals.

Creativity Club : Out of the box thinking is one of the most essential thinking pattern for founding innovative startups. Club initiates activities related to ambience creation, audio and video presentations of various events, which in turn facilitates doemant sense of creativity and innovation.

Marketing & HR Club : The marketing and HR club conducts regular sessions on marketing plan, business plan, negotiation, press conferences, collective bargaining etc., for the students. They also conduct case studies and interactive sessions and organize competitions.

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