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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management is concerned with managing people within an organization to create value for the organization and positive work experiences for the individuals. Most successful organizations claim that people are their most important asset and that the effective management of human resources is central to their business strategy. This has led to an increase in human resource management jobs both in the country and abroad. The course helps you on:

Recruitment and selection is a serious business

Selecting the right person for the right job is the secret of cost effective people management. How to do it?

Performance and reward are strategic twins!

Performance of an individual needs to be objectively evaluated, How? How to motivate an employee to perform better? Are performance and reward management considered as twins?

Can training and development help business?

Individuals have the unique ability of pushing the limits and growing better and better. What are the effective methods of training? How do we assess the effectiveness of the same?

Is there something known as ‘ethics’ in business?

Doing business ethically should be a challenge, but not an impossibility. Why should we respect ethical norms and conditions while doing business?

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